Sunday, May 15, 2016

Do you think they are trying to tell us something??

There's an awful amount of apocalyptic, post apocalyptic, virus containment, social class containment, under the dome (clues for all you flat earthers out there from the powers that be I guess), and the like... When prodded for an answer as to why, insiders will inevitably point to the obvious answer... The greed and laziness of Hollywood, pointing to their answer that its just a piling on, gravy train riding, copycatting of the sucess of The Walking Dead.  I don't think it's that simple and easily explained away.   There are some very educated, high IQ people out there who don't think so either.   In fact they go as far as to say that the powers that be, are either... connected to somehow, in servatude to in someway, or are themselves these Dark, extra-dimentional, vampiracle beings that have, and have had for a very long time, an agenda, to do in the regular warm blooded, mammalian, three dimentional beings... ahh us!  And that these world running entities have had this agenda for a very long time and that these TV shows and movies are just another piece in the puzzle of their plan for complete planet domination with total and complete human being servatude to boot.  They say that these entities, of a more non-feeling, reptilian consciousness  do not have the loving, heart centered, creative type of thoughts and consciousness that we mammals have.  You need that type of heart centered consciousness to be a creator of things in our three dimentional world.  Since they do not have it... they've learned how to hijack our thoughts and more importantly the feelings connected to those thoughts and use them against us to create the reality and world that they want to create. They do this through controlling the sounds, images and dramas we see and hear, day in and day out, throughout our whole lives.  On TV in shows, in the movies, in songs on the radio, in the news, at concerts...  All the while, showing us the images and sounds and dramas of the world that they want to see created... Effectively pulling us along and using us, to shapeshift our world into being, through time and space...  Or they're just copying The Walking Dead... lol...
  I just, but I'm telling you... its no coinkydink man■

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