Tuesday, December 30, 2014


My response to a post on "CE" on facebook where the article said in part that hating the illuminati is only strengthening their hate and that love should somehow, I guess, be shown to them as to not have the hate grow.
He is 100% right in one sense hate only begats more hate and you can never solve a problem of hate with hate… it needs love. That being said… we must show love to ourselves by lovingly ending their tyranny by any and all means necessary lest it ends our way of life and us! For us for the concept of liberty and for the planet. I’m just starting to listen to Mark Passio of Philadelphia and he seems to be a formost authority on them and I believe is trying to be a beacon for some sort of resistance to the problem. Not doing anything is the same as helping further their agenda if you ask me. I understand what Randy is saying and in the grand scheme of this things he is correct, you end fire with water, hence the hate and love comment… but in the trenches so to speak you fight FIRE with FIRE! Its just one of the rules of engagement▪ Reply

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