Tuesday, December 30, 2014


My response to a post on "CE" on facebook where the article said in part that hating the illuminati is only strengthening their hate and that love should somehow, I guess, be shown to them as to not have the hate grow.
He is 100% right in one sense hate only begats more hate and you can never solve a problem of hate with hate… it needs love. That being said… we must show love to ourselves by lovingly ending their tyranny by any and all means necessary lest it ends our way of life and us! For us for the concept of liberty and for the planet. I’m just starting to listen to Mark Passio of Philadelphia and he seems to be a formost authority on them and I believe is trying to be a beacon for some sort of resistance to the problem. Not doing anything is the same as helping further their agenda if you ask me. I understand what Randy is saying and in the grand scheme of this things he is correct, you end fire with water, hence the hate and love comment… but in the trenches so to speak you fight FIRE with FIRE! Its just one of the rules of engagement▪ Reply

Monday, December 8, 2014


Not only are a lot of our Xmas rituals of Santa Claus reportedly, largely from the shamanic rituals of the psychedelic use of The Amanita muscaria mushroom, but there are also MANY, MANY CHRIST PARALLELS!
#1. From The Christ consciousness some believe is really the being high, psychedelic experience...
#2.to his virgin birth, representing the asexual reproduction of the magic mushroom, thus the first "magic" of this mushroom INCIDENTALLY WHERE IT LOOKS MORE LIKE AN EGG...THEN AND EGG!
**Don't even get me started on the Easter parallels!! And why we have kids look for the eggs we hide...hint, hint cause kids were small enough to fit under the trees and pic the egg looking mushrooms and put them in the baskets we'd give them....hence the eggs in a basket! Plus there's also a lot of sacred sex ritual practices mixed in too!... ie. what do bunnys do real good??? That's right... remember the old saying fu@k like a Jack rabbit! That's why we throw bunnies in the mix, in the springtime, when everything is reproducing rapidly again! SEX, SEX, SEX
Back to Christ... which by the way is one of my favorite teachers and authors and may even be the son (sun) of God...who knows?? certainly not me... continuing....
#3. To the round halo on his head that is shown when he is alive during his ministering years in paintings, representing the most alive stage of This mushroom when it has a round halo on its crowned head....
#4. To the one of the final stages when Christ is crucified with a veiled loin cloth covering him... looking A LOT like the final stages of this mushroom when it its like a T with its veil looking and in the exact same spot anatomically where Christ's loin cloth would be!!!....
#5. To the blood of Christ in the chalice... the resurrection, and redemption which in the mushroom is representing the stage when the mushroom literally goes into the final chalice stage itself looking like a cup or chalice.
That's just the little bit I know off the top of my head. Theres much, much more... from more about the magic mushroom parallels, to the even more compelling Astrotheology theories, that claim the night sky's activities are telling all the major stories in the bible... But they're theories...only theories...who knows who, what, when, where, and how...right
Less all the commercialism of course ~*~

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"A picture tell a thousand words"

That saying "A picture tells a thousand words"... don't even come close to what this picture tells ~*~

Friday, October 24, 2014

As a species, we've yet to even truely have been born. . .

Human beings, with all of our wars and hatred of one another... and our propensity to exude domination over one another, haven't even truely been born as a species yet.  One day, as all fully evolved organisms eventually do, we will realize, as an actual perminate evolution in our consciousness, that cooperation expends far less energy then competition.  We will realize, (if we survive the worst in ourselves), that competition, having served its role in our evolution,  just dosent serve us anymore.  And when this occurs, on a global scale, there will be an instant paradigm shift in humanity.  We will then finally know, what it means to live... truely live... in love~☆

The sacred shapes of everything

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Richard Dawkins on Religion....My question to a preist at age 10

Richard Dawkins "What If Your Wrong?"-as for me Greg F.~☆ I remember asking a preist at age 10 "What... - http://pinterest.com/pin/391461392584358227/?utm_source=android_share

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Dolphins being afforded actual rights by India


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Awareness of Awareness... Its an inside job~☆♡

It's easy to have a commentary about the outside world. In fact it's the most natural thing in the world for most of us. But that outward commentary of your observations isn't going to do your personal development any good at all. Not until you turn your awareness to what is going on from your eyes inward to your awareness itself can you awake from the DreamWorld of illusion and become aware of what you really are... Awareness itself. Pure unadulterated, indestructible, infinite, eternal awareness. In cased in what we call a human being. In a particular form, moving through spacetime. You and I, are divinity manifested~☆♡

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A text I sent my brother John... in response to a photo he texted me of him and the girl he loves who doesn't know how to love him back... knowing that she would soon hurt him again. I was trying to gift him solice through understanding~☆♡

Ya know buddha used to say... "love something or someone when you're with them like your never going to see them again ... then when your not with them, in order to not suffer... completely detatch from them, with no expectations at all... let them be free to do as they wish... so then you don't suffer..... then when your with them again, if your with them again.... love them like your never going to see them again..." each time love and let-go... love and let-go and so on and so on...this way there is no expectations... and no suffering.... THERE IS ONLY THE LOVE... ONLY LOVE, AND NOTHING ELSE~☆♡
the unlikely guru ~

To be right... or to be kind... that is the question~


Thursday, May 15, 2014


The pretty little story of heaven is nothing more then a convenient story we tell to ourselves and our children to console our fears. Like we do when someone dies. "Uncle Bob is in heaven now" we say, but on some level, in that quiet little place of truth we all go to, we know this isn't true. At least not in the conventional sense of what we call heaven. The good news is that it doesn't even need to be true. The truth is even more miraculous! Only our egos die. Who we think we are. The most real part of us, PURE CONSCIOUS AWARENESS, is eternal and some scientists believe, as do I, that it is also the true tapestry of our universe that gives rise to matter, not the other way around!! And that conscious energy, or all energy for that matter, cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form. Think about it... Your mind... NOT YOUR BRAIN, YOUR MIND, your consciousness, the pure awareness that is the most real part of you is no where to be found!! The part that thinks, makes all the decisions, tells you all the stories of who you like, dislike and love...what you want outta life, your beliefs, all of it. That silent, lifelong commentator that tells you the story of you, is etheral! Or, it lacks material substance! Doctors can't operate on it or specifically locate it anywhere! Your brain yes, but not your mind. Not your conscious awareness. SO YOU AND I ...ARE ALREADY GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE! We're ghosts, operating biological machines made of stardust... existing as some sort of a etheral mental hologram... projected within a biological machine hologram... projected onto a matter hologram... projected onto a spacetime universe hologram... along side of a multiverse of bubbling holograms!!! So I ask you... what the hell is there to be afraid of?!? and isn't the conventional heaven archaic childsplay compaired to what is probably really our reality?!? *The unlikely guru @ twitter *a deeper reality @ blogger

Saturday, May 10, 2014


What is real? Are we real? Are you real?... Are you sure??... The mind that may be saying "yes"... "of course I'm real!" right now, and the same mind that's been telling you your whole life that you can trust what it says and what answers it comes up with, or for that matter what questions it comes up with and that you, and everything around you is real... that mind, can't be found by scientists anywhere!!  Not your brain. That's easy to locate... And not the mapping of some emotions and physiological responses to stimuli that they can find the location of in the brain...That's easy too.  But your mind... your consciousness.  That ethereal, insubstantial thing that converts all of the five sensory perceptions... sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell and all your thoughts and emotions, all... congealed into the experience that you and I call... REALITY.  That mind or consciousness can be put to sleep, but it can't be removed or dissected like your brain can.  And It doesn't really have a physical location, as far as anyone knows either, like our brains. It only appears to be in your head because that's where your eyes ears, nose and mouth happens to be.  Yet it could just as well be in your knee or elbow or not even confined to your body at all!  Like the ancients believed for thousands of years and quantum physicists are starting to too.  That it is everywhere inside and outside of all things in varying degrees depending upon how advanced our reciever or sensory organs are... and just settles into us and is all around us simultaneously (curiously just like God... is described)  
I personally think our hearts serve us much better as ultimate truth tellers in the form of the most truthful you can be to yourself and the most real experiences you can feel... Notice I didn't say real experiences you can see or hear or taste or smell...or even feel like you feel with your skin, but feel... in the forms of compassion, empathy, true understanding and gratitude.  And what they equal when they are all congealed into one cohesive whole... is...LOVE~
And when you feel that usually fleeting feeling of real heart felt love...for yourself, for your children, for a friend, for your significant other, for your fellow man...  or just for the miraculous gift of the breath of life.  THAT is when I believe you are experiencing the deepest truth and reality that existence has to offer ~*~
 Thanks 4 reading what my heart and mind feels to write~
A deeper reality/blogger 
Greg Ferguson/Facebook