Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Spiritual teachers/Authors & their books that have changed my life & consciousness~

1. Eckhart Tolle - Stillness Speaks
Literally introduced me, to the real me! The seperate from the ego, observer, that had gone unrecognized for my whole life.  I thought that the "story of me" that my ego told me was me, was really all that I was.  Again... eternal gratitude Eckhart.

2. Depak Chopra - The Spontaneous fulfillment of Desire -
This book says it is about synchronicity and the prospect of  syncrodestiny but I assure you it covers sooo much more.  From the wave particle paradox, to local and non Local intelligence, to what mantras and sutras really are, to the role coincidences play in your destiny, to the different levels of consciousness to... I really could go on and on... Its about so much more then the title eludes to.  One of those books that will litetally raise your consciousness and possibly change drastically what you find important in life.  Its jumps around a lot and some parts you need to re-read a few times and even go back to, to fully comprehend the depths of its meaning, but the extra time spent is well worth it.  My buddy Jerry has my copy, dude if your reading, can I have it back! lol

3.Don Miguel Ruiz-The Four Agreements
This book is a quick easy read but profoundly true!  If you try to remember these four things, these  coping with life rules, if you will, the stress, uncertainty and drama in your life will be dramatically reduced.  His self agreements are simple, very effective and most of all... absolutely true.

4. Peter Russell - from Science to God
This book is about nothing Less then the true nature of reality and the truth and nature of consciousness itself.  Ultimately the book leads you to what he, and many great sages and philosophers throughout history, and thanks to him, I, feel as my personal opinion, that consciousness itself, is God !  I mean in all reality what else can God ultimately be, but the very tapestry or medium upon which everything else exists.  "CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF!"  Hindu Legend and texts have known and stated this for thousands of years.  So it's nothing new really, Peters book just tells it to us westerners.  So Jesus Knew what the hell he was talking about when he said "The Kingdom of God is within your midst" to the Pharisees And that he was "The Son of God".  We are all sons and daughters of God.  Because we are a piece of the whole of consciousness.  A particular point of view, litetally, in space and time.  An offspring or son/daughter of the whole of consciousness if you will.  Just as he said!  And his dangerous knowledge that God was within us and that we didn't need to bring a goat or something as payment to worship to a spoksperson, caused his crucifixion.  I believe he learned this in his lost years when he was exposed to Buddhism/Hinduism on the silk routes.   That's a whole other blog though !! Sorry... I digress.
--- I'm gonna try to be more brief now..

5. Eckhart Tolle's - A New Earth
I cannot say enough! A total all encompassing spiritual guide.  The truth about our minds, our egos, the start of the world, proof of our immorality and much much more.  "A must have!"
6. Jae Jah Noh - Do You See What I See
Like Eckhart's work, this book is extremely profound and of a very high level of consciousness.  It will awaken you if you are asleep.  If you are not, it will strip away much more illusion from you.  I got the book at a second hand store for ten cents.... and it's priceless.
7. Nirmala - Living From The Heart
This book, again, second hand store... and priceless.  It teaches you the life changing, but hard to do art of giving problems or any thought or emotion you may have, space....  Literal, conscious, space.... and seeing and witnessing from the heart and even belly and coming out of the head.  It's not easy, but if you practice, you will gain highly effective tools against problems and negative, toxic emotions.  When you give them space and witness them from out of your mind and head, and into other vantage points, they lose their impact and toxicity and importance!!  The space literally dissolves and absorbs them into nothingness if you wish it to.

8. OSHO - Buddha

9. OSHO - Zen
These two books and anything Osho has written is of high consciousness.  A deep understanding and account of The Buddha, and his teachings and the lessons and parables that came from him and historical or legendary accounts (depending on your beliefs) of the life of The Buddha and his disciples.
And then the Zen book is just as deep of an understanding of the birth and flowering of Zen and what it really is.

10. Patanjali - Enlightenment- the yoga sutras of Patanjali  (The pre-Christian roots of the Ishayas' Ascension Teaching)
The depths of truth and Enlightenment
I am still working on this one.  It's of a very high consciousness level.  Some of the highest on earth.
And finally!!!

11. David Hawkins -
1. Power vs. Force
2. Truth vs. Falsehood
3. I
4. The Eye of the I
This Man/Dr./Guru/Profit/Author/Teacher/beautiful Human Being, Passed away like a year and a half ago.  He was affectionately known to his followers and patients as "DocGuru".
He has written all the books I have that I have listed, each as thick as a Bible and filled from beginning to end
with almost all "original thought!" that is ofb an "out of this world, alien " condciousness level.  THE MANS IDEAS AND TEACHINGS ARE OF THE HIGHEST DOCUMENTED LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS ON THIS PLANET !
Just reading his books (if you can comprehend them! Because they're the hardest I've ever read, and I'm pretty sharp if I do say so my self and modest too) just reading them and understanding them too, raises your measurable consciousness level, within a world wide accepted measurement system (THAT HE INVENTED!) of our, or a topic, or an ideas, consciousness level measurement.  To be completely honest I haven't finished these books and have a long way to go to get done all the ones I have.  And he has written Like 15 more too.  I highly recommend getting Power vs force first but only if your a seasoned spiritual seeker - philosopher, and have gone through some of the other authors and mastered them, and are very cerebral type of personality.
But remember all the ideas and concepts and philosophies and big words in the world, isn't worth one really beautiful experience.  Existentialism is where it's at.  And it is said that information is our most precious commodity, but I firmly believe experience is our most precious commodity!
Thanks for Reading Family.... love, love, love... for you all ☆Greg♡ <that's the message I'm trying to send with the star and the heart before and after my name. The star is for universal and heart is for love. UNIVERSAL LOVE to you all.

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