Sunday, May 15, 2016

Do you think they are trying to tell us something??

There's an awful amount of apocalyptic, post apocalyptic, virus containment, social class containment, under the dome (clues for all you flat earthers out there from the powers that be I guess), and the like... When prodded for an answer as to why, insiders will inevitably point to the obvious answer... The greed and laziness of Hollywood, pointing to their answer that its just a piling on, gravy train riding, copycatting of the sucess of The Walking Dead.  I don't think it's that simple and easily explained away.   There are some very educated, high IQ people out there who don't think so either.   In fact they go as far as to say that the powers that be, are either... connected to somehow, in servatude to in someway, or are themselves these Dark, extra-dimentional, vampiracle beings that have, and have had for a very long time, an agenda, to do in the regular warm blooded, mammalian, three dimentional beings... ahh us!  And that these world running entities have had this agenda for a very long time and that these TV shows and movies are just another piece in the puzzle of their plan for complete planet domination with total and complete human being servatude to boot.  They say that these entities, of a more non-feeling, reptilian consciousness  do not have the loving, heart centered, creative type of thoughts and consciousness that we mammals have.  You need that type of heart centered consciousness to be a creator of things in our three dimentional world.  Since they do not have it... they've learned how to hijack our thoughts and more importantly the feelings connected to those thoughts and use them against us to create the reality and world that they want to create. They do this through controlling the sounds, images and dramas we see and hear, day in and day out, throughout our whole lives.  On TV in shows, in the movies, in songs on the radio, in the news, at concerts...  All the while, showing us the images and sounds and dramas of the world that they want to see created... Effectively pulling us along and using us, to shapeshift our world into being, through time and space...  Or they're just copying The Walking Dead... lol...
  I just, but I'm telling you... its no coinkydink man■

Thursday, April 28, 2016

May I remember please ~

May I remember please-
In the final analysis, what really matters most, is not the things I accumulate... but rather, the relationships I build with my fellow human beings.   Do l love... I mean really love others?     When we look directly into another's eyes, sometimes in those fleeting moments, we see them... I mean we really see them for what they are...  Divine.  Divine Love... Love, observing love, when we are seeing and being seen at our most authentic.  Those relationships we have with others... Family, friends, significant others, even strangers.  The conversations, the care, the shared laughter, the things we do for them...  Those are the things that matter, really matter.   Did I try to leave the world and those in it better then I found it?  Every day is a chance to reinvent ourselves...  And it's never too late to remember what's really important ~ Greg F

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Is Lucifer Jesus and the real heavenly father as far as the Catholic church is concerned!?

Ok here's something that might be disturbing to some of you Catholics out there.  I was raised Catholic too and it really doesn't bother me cause I've known about it for a while now but here's some proof if you ask me.
Today I watched the Pope give mass at The Bacillica of the Immaculent Conception in Washington.  The biggest and "home" Catholic church of America.  So... very quickly I noticed the appearance of the fairly newly placed picture of "Jesus"  that is like 40 ft tall behind the Alter,  where 99.99% of the time in any other Catholic church is a picture or statue of a Crucfied Christ.  Well as soon as I saw this giant picture (top left), it was an immediately recognizably different looking then the normal Jesus figure!!!  A golden shorter haired man with a squared jaw no beard (i don't think) and flames coming out of all of the cardinal points which I've never seen before either!  His hands are oddly in the air in a specific stance.  I immediately recognized him as LUCIFER... the fallen one... the light bringer... and since I've posted video a while back of the Easter vigil ceremony where they are singing about Lucifer...FACT... And a video of how they named their telescope Lucifer...FACT... And I've seen video of a Free Mason/member of the Vatican admitting that they worship Lucifer as God And Jesus as his son... this wasn't a total shock to me!!  I've been kinda desensitized to it!  And that's exactly what I think they're trying to do.  Slowly introduce it to us.
And then of course there's all these other pics I immediately found online of  a blond haired, square jawed, kind of angry looking angel who's usually always pictured with his hands the same way and with flames either in his eyes or around him in some way... And guess who he is... Yup... he's LUCIFER! ...The Light Bringer! ... or astrotheologically speaking, just the planet Venus... the light bringer, that sometimes rises in the golden dawn, just before the sun rises and appears to be bringing it along with it.  And is why is known as the light bringer.  Venus or Lucifer also appears to be battling the sun or God or really Jesus for dominion over the day sky in the early morning hours as they are both in the sky one after the other to see who will be and remain as the king of kings or sun of suns and who always wins in the end... why the Sun wins... but it's Lucifer or Venus who brings him into the day sky, so it's like he is his father.  And that's supposedly exactly the way they see him and I guess they are slowly giving little hints to this fact, with the song at Easter, and the telescope, and definatly with this giant painting in the best known, biggest church in our country and in our nation's capitol.  The times they are a changing.  Oh by the way they say he is a picture of the angry Jesus... what ever that is.  I think a cover story personally▪

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Entertainment industries subservience to the Dark Magicians

Wow... the powers that be have been demanding allegiance with the 666 "ok" symbol from the entertainment industry for a long time now!  I mean you really think all these stars are just trying to tell the public they're ok!  Fat chance... They've been told, by their agents probably, that it'd be a good idea to show they're subservience to... "the dark side" (yup that's what Darth Vader with his natzi helmet and illuminati, masonic triangle mouth is all about too). That character is their way of showing that they aren't going anywhere but into the future.  The Beatles are doing the horns... and the 666!  I saw the whole strip from this particular shoot and they kept doing the same thing over and over in each picture.  A tell tale sign that they were told by the photographer or the publisher that that's what "they" wanted in the picture.  The very name Hollywood even has its hidden meanings.  The wood from the holly was the favorite wood to make magic wands out of to cast spells...The druids were tree worshippers, especially the oak. The holly was their most sacred symbol because it was sacred to mother Holle or Hel, the [Norse] goddess of the underworld……thus we have Holle, or Holly-wood (Hel-wood, the “place of magic”)
And they've been casting spells on us ever since▪

Where did religions come from?

All of these that are religions, stemmed from two things...
Some fundamental questions about the natural world around our ancestors... The sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the weather, ect... combined with the eventual worship of psychoactive plants and fungi due to such a deep appreciation for the experiences that came from eating different foods of the Gods.
Some scientists and historians think that psychoactive plants and fungi helped shape the very idea of there being something else out there... a spirit world.  Something greater then the everyday "normal world" that our ancestors experienced.  Some scientist even believe that this gift could very well have kickstarted the self awareness we have, that eventually led to reason. Which is known as that which separates us from the other animals.
Then, the ideas of a spiritual realm gave way to actual shamans who specialized in guiding people on these spiritual trips that they'd go on, which then evolved into stories of Gods, and other worldly realms, and eventually because of politics... One God. 
1. In the macro cosom... It was, "I wonder what all those points of light and that big glowing ball is at night...  And what that big glowing ball of fire that moves across the sky  is in the day?" And the stories that insued from that understandable wonder... Mixed with...
2. In the micro cosom..."WHAT IS THIS BLESSED THING FROM ABOVE... That is making that bush burn and talk to me while allowing me to see the very fabric that makes up reality?  All I did was eat this little red and white mushroom, or brown mushroom, or cactus, ect.
That is not in jest either... there's tons of real historical evidence and hundreds of paintings ect. to back it up.
That the Suns movement in the day and the moon and stars movement in the night skys and other natural phenomenon, mixed with the worship of psychoactive plants and fungi are the basis for all of the world religions... And that the deities themselves... Horus... Osiris... Kristna. .. Jesus... are representations of the "king of kings" or star of stars... our home star... THE SUN!  And that the 12 constalaions, or zodiac signs, are always the 12 tribes of israel, or the 12 apostles, or the 12 this or the 12 that...
  Isn't that cool!  I think it is.  It makes the whole idea of religion and spirituality more tangible, beautiful and even more acceptable to me then anything else could, because it makes sense to me...

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pope visits U.S and will talk to the U.N about the NWO!

Some of the the Pope's more important stops on his schedule while in the U.S  Congress in Washington... the meeting of the world families in Philly... but probably most important and the one you should follow the outcome of is what gets talked about and decided at the U.N general assembly in N.Y's "POST 2015 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SUMMIT" where there will reportedly be a lot of rhetoric and code language that is really the first steps of changes made toward the New World Order, that the world leaders and the Pope, are pushing for.  So be mindful