Thursday, April 28, 2016

May I remember please ~

May I remember please-
In the final analysis, what really matters most, is not the things I accumulate... but rather, the relationships I build with my fellow human beings.   Do l love... I mean really love others?     When we look directly into another's eyes, sometimes in those fleeting moments, we see them... I mean we really see them for what they are...  Divine.  Divine Love... Love, observing love, when we are seeing and being seen at our most authentic.  Those relationships we have with others... Family, friends, significant others, even strangers.  The conversations, the care, the shared laughter, the things we do for them...  Those are the things that matter, really matter.   Did I try to leave the world and those in it better then I found it?  Every day is a chance to reinvent ourselves...  And it's never too late to remember what's really important ~ Greg F