Thursday, May 15, 2014


The pretty little story of heaven is nothing more then a convenient story we tell to ourselves and our children to console our fears. Like we do when someone dies. "Uncle Bob is in heaven now" we say, but on some level, in that quiet little place of truth we all go to, we know this isn't true. At least not in the conventional sense of what we call heaven. The good news is that it doesn't even need to be true. The truth is even more miraculous! Only our egos die. Who we think we are. The most real part of us, PURE CONSCIOUS AWARENESS, is eternal and some scientists believe, as do I, that it is also the true tapestry of our universe that gives rise to matter, not the other way around!! And that conscious energy, or all energy for that matter, cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form. Think about it... Your mind... NOT YOUR BRAIN, YOUR MIND, your consciousness, the pure awareness that is the most real part of you is no where to be found!! The part that thinks, makes all the decisions, tells you all the stories of who you like, dislike and love...what you want outta life, your beliefs, all of it. That silent, lifelong commentator that tells you the story of you, is etheral! Or, it lacks material substance! Doctors can't operate on it or specifically locate it anywhere! Your brain yes, but not your mind. Not your conscious awareness. SO YOU AND I ...ARE ALREADY GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE! We're ghosts, operating biological machines made of stardust... existing as some sort of a etheral mental hologram... projected within a biological machine hologram... projected onto a matter hologram... projected onto a spacetime universe hologram... along side of a multiverse of bubbling holograms!!! So I ask you... what the hell is there to be afraid of?!? and isn't the conventional heaven archaic childsplay compaired to what is probably really our reality?!? *The unlikely guru @ twitter *a deeper reality @ blogger

Saturday, May 10, 2014


What is real? Are we real? Are you real?... Are you sure??... The mind that may be saying "yes"... "of course I'm real!" right now, and the same mind that's been telling you your whole life that you can trust what it says and what answers it comes up with, or for that matter what questions it comes up with and that you, and everything around you is real... that mind, can't be found by scientists anywhere!!  Not your brain. That's easy to locate... And not the mapping of some emotions and physiological responses to stimuli that they can find the location of in the brain...That's easy too.  But your mind... your consciousness.  That ethereal, insubstantial thing that converts all of the five sensory perceptions... sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell and all your thoughts and emotions, all... congealed into the experience that you and I call... REALITY.  That mind or consciousness can be put to sleep, but it can't be removed or dissected like your brain can.  And It doesn't really have a physical location, as far as anyone knows either, like our brains. It only appears to be in your head because that's where your eyes ears, nose and mouth happens to be.  Yet it could just as well be in your knee or elbow or not even confined to your body at all!  Like the ancients believed for thousands of years and quantum physicists are starting to too.  That it is everywhere inside and outside of all things in varying degrees depending upon how advanced our reciever or sensory organs are... and just settles into us and is all around us simultaneously (curiously just like God... is described)  
I personally think our hearts serve us much better as ultimate truth tellers in the form of the most truthful you can be to yourself and the most real experiences you can feel... Notice I didn't say real experiences you can see or hear or taste or smell...or even feel like you feel with your skin, but feel... in the forms of compassion, empathy, true understanding and gratitude.  And what they equal when they are all congealed into one cohesive whole... is...LOVE~
And when you feel that usually fleeting feeling of real heart felt love...for yourself, for your children, for a friend, for your significant other, for your fellow man...  or just for the miraculous gift of the breath of life.  THAT is when I believe you are experiencing the deepest truth and reality that existence has to offer ~*~
 Thanks 4 reading what my heart and mind feels to write~
A deeper reality/blogger 
Greg Ferguson/Facebook